We Planted So Many!


Join The Tree House Family

₹50 plants a tree

Our Mission | Vision & Plans

About Us

Tree House is a professionally run group of ordinary people extraordinarily determined to protect the environment not just by themselves, but also by sensitising others towards the importance of environment conservation and goading them on to participate in tree-plantation campaigns. Though it started off as a weekend pursuit in 2007 now it does more than 50 tree plantation drives in 4 months of monsoon. Tree House spearheads a variety of initiatives including research, education, sensitisation and advocacy around the importance of environmental preservation and tree plantation. The group thrives on its vast volunteer base that runs into thousands, from young children to busy professionals, housewives and retired citizens.

Our Mission

Our mission is to protect, plant, cultivate and promote trees in partnership with local communities in ways which support the:

  • Conservation of trees, forests, associated biodiversity and indigenous knowledge about the wise and sustainable use of trees, plants, soils, water and other natural resources.
  • Advocacy and promotion of public awareness of both local and global environmental and socio-economic issues created by deforestation and unsustainable agriculture and the potential of trees to rehabilitate degraded land, generate livelihood benefits and combat climate change.

Our Plans

As important as it is to protect mature trees, it’s also essential to think ahead and plant new trees that will eventually get tall enough to contribute to the canopy, clean the air and help keep temperatures cool. Many towns and cities have organizations like Portland, Oregon’s Friends of Trees[5] working to plant trees in areas that have too few. If your town or city doesn’t have a similar organization, why not start one yourself? Tree by tree, you can make a difference. • The type of tree you plant matters. Talk with an arborist about which species are native to your area and will eventually get big enough to clean the air and water. Small, ornamental trees won’t contribute much.


We are planting Trees on regular basis. In the summer season when we have raining season , its the best time to plant Trees, Because in this fast world we don’t have time to care for a Tree. So its the best idea to plant Trees in monsoon season.


Health is "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease" according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Physical is about the body. Mental is about how people think and feel. Social talks about how people live with other people. It is about family, work, school, and friends.

Clean Water

Globally, by 2015, 89% of people had access to water from a source that is suitable for drinking – called improved water source. ... The World Health Organization considers access to safe drinking-water a basic human right. About 1 to 2 billion people lack safe drinking water, a problem that causes 30,000 deaths each week.


Plants are one of six big groups (kingdoms) of living things. They are autotrophic eukaryotes, which means they have complex cells, and make their own food. Usually they cannot move (not counting growth). Plants include familiar types such as trees, climbers, herbs, bushes, grasses, vines, ferns, mosses, and green algae.

Our Latest Projects

" Plant a Tree, Grow a Tree, Save Future, Save Earth "

The Top Donations Of The Month

A Round of applause for them please

1 Elon Musk 🌱 1,000,000
2 Marc Benioff 🌱 900,000
3 Susan Wojcicki 🌱 200,000
4 OneRecipeOneTree 🌱 105,020
5 Sneaker Trees 🌱 100,200
6 Jean-Michel Lemieux 🌱 100,102
7 Alan Walker 🌱 100,002
8 Verizon Green Team 🌱 100,001
9 SSLs.com 🌱 100,000
10 Jeffree Star 🌱 50,171

The dying green

Why do we need to plant more trees?

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Deforestation with resulting desertification, water resource degradation and soil loss has affected approximately 94% of Madagascar's previously biologically productive lands. Since the arrival of humans 2000 years ago, Madagascar has lost more than 90% of its original forest.

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Main article: Deforestation in Nigeria According to the FAO, Nigeria has the world's highest deforestation rate of primary forests. It has lost more than half of its primary forest in the last five years. Causes cited are logging, subsistence agriculture, and the collection of ....

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Southeast Asia
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Forest loss is acute in Southeast Asia, the second of the world's great biodiversity hot spots.According to a 2005 report by the FAO, Vietnam has the second highest rate of deforestation of primary forests in the world, second to only Nigeria. More than 90% of the old-growth rainforests...

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Meet Our


Nevin Sunny

One life, One code

Krishna Tej

Everything is binary.

Levin Vincent

Code Away!

Write to us!

We are hear to listen!


No. 6, 1st cross, first floor,
Basapura, Near Hosa Road Junction,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560100

Call Us

+91 - 97406 51640
+91 - 88842 00070 (Miyawaki Forest)
+91 - 99102 98215 (Northern India)

Email Us


Working Hours

Mon - Fri: 9AM to 5PM
Saturday: 9AM to 1PM
Sunday: Holiday